Teaching on the spiritual war between the Nephilim and mankind, the giants that were created between fallen angels and human women (Gen. 6), their genetics throughout history up to present day, and revealing the bloodline of the serpent (Genesis 3:15) throughout the bible starting with the giants. Click on link for audio.
Biblical teaching on identifying the Synagogue of Satan in the earth today (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9) and in Jesus' day, aligning the proof with the scriptures which prophesied of them since Gen 3:15 when God said to the serpent, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers." Exposing lies taught to the Church for decades about who God's chosen people really are. Click on link for audio.
Teaching on modern day counterfeit Israel, the Rothchilds who acquired it over 30 years prior to 1948, the freemasonry connection and 3rd World War plans, the fake 'Star of David' symbol used in freemasonry and pagan religions, evil quotes from the Talmud, and more deceptions fed to the Church and to the world. Click on link for audio.
Biblical teaching on who True Israel is and what the scriptures actually bear out, while dismantling the lies we have been taught. Starting from Genesis and following the path of the Israelites, going through the necessary requirements to become part of Israel, and looking at the people groups they interacted with and intermarried with to reveal unequivocally who Israel is today. Click on link for audio.
A teaching about True Israel scattered to the "4 corners of the earth" after their captivity in 722 BC by Assyria. This teaching revealing multitudes of scriptures and current statistics that do not align with the Jews of modern day Israel, and misconceptions taught in the Body of Christ that are repeated, but found nowhere in scripture. Click on link for audio.
A teaching about the coming persecution in America unless bill 102-14 is removed, allowing Jewish rabbinical law to dictate our religious beliefs with a penalty of death BY DECAPITATION. Covers the pope's ecumenical movement over the last decade to bring all religions together under the premise that we are all on different paths to the same God. A look at new judge positions created in Israel and laws being put into place and ideals converging to trap the Christian if/when this law is enforced under One World Religion.
(FINAL IN SERIES) A teaching showing the connection between the Vatican, the Rothchilds, counterfeit Israel, and all the systems of the world run by them. A look at the scriptures showing what we as Christians are to do about their plan against us.
The Age of the Antichrist is here. And the long term plan for this country's founders is finally coming together. Connecting the dots between Trump, Alice Bailey, Albert Pike, 2025, Pope rituals, Roman gods, Elon Musk & more to prove the Luciferian agenda of the NWO is literally manifesting before us today.
(FINAL IN SERIES) The Age of the Antichrist is here. And the long term plan for this country's founders is finally coming together. Connecting the dots between Trump, Alice Bailey, Albert Pike, 2025, Pope rituals, Roman gods, Elon Musk & more to prove the Luciferian agenda of the NWO is literally manifesting before us today.
A teaching on Matthew 6 of seeking FIRST the kingdom, what it really means, and determining where your treasure really resides. Using the scriptures as practical application to your life in the dark days we currently face.
A biblical teaching on HOW the kingdom of God operates revealing the scriptures that show Christians how to obtain what we need in the earth realm from our kingdom which is in the spirit realm.
Biblical teaching from John 13:21-38, focusing on deception in the last days, where discernment comes from, the separation a believer experiences as the path becomes more and more narrow, and how we are being transformed by the Father to "love as Jesus loved".