What Your therapist Won't Tell You (Part 1 of 2) - Deliverance and Inner Healing

Interview with Dr. Tara Fairfield discussing deliverance and inner healing, and the link between mental illness disorders and spirits. Touching on the subject of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and what it looks like. (PART 1 of 2)


What Your therapist Won't Tell You (Part 2 of 2) - DID/SRA Deliverance

Interview with Dr. Tara Fairfield digging deeper into DID/SRA (Dissociative Identity Disorder/Satanic Ritual Abuse) and what it involves. Discussion on why psychologists are not always effective at getting results needed for DID/SRA clients (hint: it’s a spiritual issue, not a medical one) – (PART 2 of 2)


Idol Talk - Breaking out of Idolatry Programming

Part 1 - Discussion on the topic of idolatry in America from false god statues to our cell phones, how tolerant we've become of it, and the consequences of remaining silent. Recalling what the bible has to say on the matter of idolatry.


Idol Talk - Why is Idolatry Such a Big Deal?

Part 2 - Further discussion with Pastor/biblical life coach Stacy Wittkamp on the topic of idolatry, what God's heart is on this issue and why it's such a big deal to Him.  Tips on how to recognize it in your life and prayer to help you with repentance of it.


End times, spiritual deception, iniquity in our bloodline and more

Interview by Drew Missen of 'You're Missen the Point' on the topics of spiritual deception, understanding God, where the iniquity in our bloodlines came from, why God hated Esau, the Lost tribes of Israel, Zionism, and more.


More of Drew's content: https://drewmissen88.podbean.com/

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